How much does it cost to hire a Private Investigator?
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How much does it cost to hire a Private Investigator?

How much does it cost to hire a private investigator?

The most common question those new to hiring a private eye ask is: How much does a private investigator cost?

It's an important factor to consider, but there is no single answer and usually depends on the type of case. Rates vary widely based on experience, specialty, services required, expenses incurred, and other variables. However, you can expect to pay at minimum $100 to $175 per hour for basic services from licensed professionals in most regions.

For example, surveillance of a potentially cheating spouse often costs $2,000 to $5,000+ total. The exact price depends on the number of meetups to document, the travel required, and the complexity of proving infidelity.

The quality of the investigation also impacts value. An inexperienced cut-rate PI may not deliver evidence that holds up compared to a seasoned professional charging premium rates.

There are ways to maximize value for your budget as covered in this guide. But the cost should fit the importance of the mission. Keep reading for an in-depth examination of average PI rates, pricing factors, and tips for saving money while still getting quality results.

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